Back in Turkey!
It's hard to believe it has been over 9 months since last summer. I am back in Izmir and at Space Camp Turkey. Arriving after the nice long flight on Tuesday, my baggage was delayed. Luckily, Turkish Airlines was able to track it down and get it to me later the next day. It's great to see all of the famillar faces at Space Camp Turkey and to meet the new American and Turkish counselors. The American Counselors here so far are Seda, Kyle, Ashley, Jonathan, and me. We have about six more coming throught June.

Beth and Basar took all of the counselors out on Mr. and Mrs. Tuncer's boat yesterday where we had a fun filled day of swimming and Yahtzee. The water is so beautiful and the clearest I have ever seen. You can see all the way down to the bottom in deep water. It's very cool to put on some goggles and see the fish and plantlife. The boat is alot of fun and we stayed out all day with Space Camp providing sandwhices, drinks, snacks, chips, fruit, everything!
I came to camp the day before a team was graduating so I was support for that day. I will get my first team of kids on Monday. This weekend and next weekend we have off and are planning to go to the greek island of Kos through the Turkish beach city of Bodrum. It should be really fun and of course a cool passport stamp.
The summer is just beginning but is looking like it will be another great one! The international six day program will be starting in a couple weeks. Astronaut Shannon Lucid is coming to speak at camp on the second E-Pal week in July. She holds the record time in space by any woman and spent over 200 days in Mir. After the E-Pal weeks we have a week off where we will take a trip to Bulgaria and visit Sofia and maybe some of the Black Sea towns.
Here are some pictures, I will try to post more soon. Have a great summer!
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